ledger-lib 0.1.0

Communication library for Ledger hardware wallets

A Ledger hardware wallet communication library

[Device] provides a high-level API for exchanging APDUs with Ledger devices using the [ledger_proto] traits. This is suitable for extension with application-specific interface traits, and automatically implemented over [Exchange] for low-level byte exchange with devices.

[LedgerProvider] and [LedgerHandle] provide a high-level tokio-compatible [Transport] for application integration, supporting connecting to and interacting with ledger devices. This uses a pinned thread to avoid thread safety issues with hidapi and async executors.

Low-level [Transport] implementations are provided for USB/HID, BLE and TCP, with a Generic implementation providing a common interface over all enabled transports.


Transports are currently marked as Send due to limitations of [async_trait] and are NOT all thread safe. If you're calling this from an async context, please use [LedgerProvider].

This will be corrected when the unstable async trait feature is stabilised, which until then can be opted-into using the unstable_async_trait feature


use ledger_lib::{LedgerProvider, Filters, Transport, Device, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT};

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Fetch provider handle
let mut provider = LedgerProvider::init().await;

// List available devices
let devices = provider.list(Filters::Any).await?;

// Check we have -a- device to connect to
if devices.is_empty() {
return Err(anyhow::anyhow!("No devices found"));

// Connect to the first device
let mut ledger = provider.connect(devices[0].clone()).await?;

// Request device information
let info = ledger.app_info(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT).await?;
println!("info: {info:?}");
